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An unparalelled service helping you realise your dream bike from 1st ideas to 1st ride and beyond.
Complete custom builds, from stock frames and bespoke parts, to completely custom geometry frames from some of the worlds highest end frame-builders.
We will work with you to build the perfect machine for you.
Every detail of the bike can be tailored to you. As a result your build will be as close as it can to being an extension of your body and inspire you to ride every time.
What to expect (a lot!)
Initial consultation with us at our home at The National Cycling Centre
Physical Assessment and Interview (There will be coffee and biscuits), to determine what you want from your bike. We’ll discuss tastes, previous bikes, injury and sports history, likes and dislikes, type of rider, type of ride(s). We want to get to know you as a rider better as well as your ride crew!
Email and telephone catchups to go through options and progress throughout.
Parts Sourcing: We will source all the parts for your ultimate build. We take the burden of finding the perfect components to hang on your perfect frame.
Custom painting: We will do the leg work for any custom frame designs and working closely with you and the paint artist to ensure the perfect end result.
The Build: Hand built with a frankly ludicrous eye for detail. You will be sent a time-lapse video to see your dream becoming reality.
Every tiny aspect of your bike will be polished, tuned, adjusted and fettled to perfection.
Fitting session: Once the bike is ready you will return for a full fitting session with Pedal Precision. Every aspect of your bike and its contact points will be perfectly fitted to your body and needs. We bring the same expertise that we have built fitting riders own bikes for over a decade to getting the position dialled in on your new bike.
Follow-up: Our follow-up goes over and above anything previously seen. Included is a follow up ride session either from the Velodrome or on your local roads. Also included is an additional bike service up to 12 weeks after handover.
To get your dream build started or just chat through what’s possible, get in touch, we’d love to help.