The Program: a My First Film Review production
Hi All, It’s been a while since I managed to find time to sit down and write a blog post, I promise there’ll be more relevant bike fitting and advice blogs on the way soon, as well as [...]
Hi All, It’s been a while since I managed to find time to sit down and write a blog post, I promise there’ll be more relevant bike fitting and advice blogs on the way soon, as well as [...]
Hi all, I hope everyone is well and enjoying some great rides as we inch our way slowly into summer (well for those of us riding the roads of the UK we are anyway). The spring and early [...]
Hi All, As promised, I wanted to start getting some more instructive and informative posts out there for you all and this had to be the first. I have read a number of articles on saddle height [...]
So much has been going on the past few months that a few things have taken a back seat….posting blogs being one of them! So I thought it would take this opportunity to update you on all the [...]
It was something one of my clients said to me, along with updates and pictures of some of the Cyclists Fighting Cancer children with their bikes, that got me thinking how so many of us are [...]
It occurred to me the other day, that I couldn’t think of a sport where there are so many different aspects , eliciting such a wide range of emotions across such a varied set of population [...]
So we did it….we challenged Graeme Obree’s 20Year old hour record. We all survived, ok so we didn’t come that close and averaging 58km/hr for the whole hour was a bit [...]
Why does July always feel like the shortest month of the year? For me it’s partly that despite the longer days and (hopefully) warm weather, there’s an inescapable feeling of speeding [...]
Well, there you have it. Lance Armstrong has finally spoken the words we all knew he needed to do and which were desperately late in arriving. Since watching the first part of the interview this [...]
Well, I’ve seen so much twittering, read so many articles, read the USADA report and the witness statements so I thought it was about time to put my views down on paper. They are by no [...]
Hi All, It’s been a week now since we got back from our little journey from Paris to Nice, so I thought I had better post the story of the second half of the ride, before the memories fade [...]
This is a very brief summary of the first 4 days of our epic journey from Paris to Nice by Bike, on account of the fact it is now 10pm and I am falling asleep on my keyboard, so please forgive [...]
Like buses, I hadn’t taken part in a mass start Sportive ride for at least a year or so, then 2 came along that I really wanted to be a part of in the space of a fortnight. With very [...]
Well, it’s been a few days now for the dust to settle since we came back from Scotland on a mission to see how our future X-Man would cope with the rigours of a real test of his endurance [...]
HI All, I wanted to write a short post to crystallise my thoughts and opinions on the proliferation of ergonomic bike components and aids which aim to help you ride more comfortably or [...]
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